So I had a long break away from this project, got side tracked on a lot of stuff. But I've cleaned up my workshop and have been back working on it with a view to getting it finished off.
I bought a 3 phase brushless bicycle motor as a test piece for getting everything working as far as electronics and firmware. It has integral hall sensors just like my motor will have so everything should transfer over fine. I have done some more analysis of the honda electronics and tested the high voltage/high current outputs when I drive them with a control signal, they worked as expected.
I completed my ECU firmware to the point where everything is functional, sent dummy signals to check the RPM and road speed functions work etc. The LCD all works as it should.
I finished off my electronics box on sunday, it now has everything in it apart from a fuse holder and a final +12volt power supply feed bulkhead connector. I found one mistake when completing the final wiring.
I now intend to run a test app on each microcontroller and test every input and output to check for errors or problems.
If all is well I might be able to try and run the test motor in 1-2 weeks. I can then optimize my motor drive firmware. It might have a lot of bugs in it so require a lot of debugging work, don't know at this point.
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